lookin' for lalala

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

lalala 5

This is "lalala" what I lookin' for.
It's mere trivia but warm and fuzzy.
Today, our customer placed an order by phone.
The cusutomer said that this is good one and
our patients pleased with using it.
The customer is kind of therapist.
Our company sells products clinic and therapist.
Generally a lot of doctor or therapist are difficult cases.
Therefore they make a complaint but rarely praise products.
I notice the camapign that you can get more discount if you buy over 10 products,
he added the order.

Essentially I just receive the phone.
I don't develop products or deliver them.
I just link our products and user.
Anyone can do this job.
It's fiddle job just busy.
I always say "I want quit by next summer, my birthday"
from the day I enter the company.
But before that I want to nitice the voice of rejice to the development debision,
and help the power of developing new products.

While I writing little thing changes to bloviation.
But I pleasured with listening to it.
I have to announce at morning meeting.


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